Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What Is Moissanite and it’s Features?

Moissanite is recognized as the most popular alternative to diamond for couples according to the budget. Most of the people cannot able to see the difference between these moissanite and diamond. But, there is a little bit different which can make or break the final decision.

It is always advised that you discuss with your family or close ones for whom you decided to buy. Rings, necklace and other ornaments also come in the material of moissanite. Go through full article, it will help you decide the correct guidelines.

Learn about moissanite and gain more information so that it helps you make the decision on what, how and where to buy moissanite

What is moissanite?

Moissanite is a well-known gemstone which is discovered in a meteor crater which is simply a space rock. Moissanite looks just like a diamond in shape and appearance. They are both sparkled and clear. But, do not consider moissanite as a fake diamond.

Moissanite Rings
As moissanite is beautiful and sparkled gemstone sold in the moissanite jewelry stores. It is similar to diamond in its appearance, but it is counted as an alternative to diamond.

Do you know about the discovery of moissanite?

Moissanite was founded in Arizona by Dr. Ferdinand Henri Moissan around 100 years ago and thus it has given the name ‘moissanite’. Only a tiny piece was discovered. Moissanite occurs naturally known by silicon carbide. 

It is the compound of silicon and carbon which is chemically written as SiC. It has characteristics such as high strength and hardness.

Why both moissanites and diamonds are considered a good choice?

Both moissanites, as well as diamonds, make beautiful engagement rings. The features are described below.


Moissanite is loved for its beautiful sparkles, but some keen observers find out the difference between diamond and moissanite. Moissanite has a sparkle of rainbow colors, whereas diamonds eliminates a combination of colourless sparkle, sparkle rainbow and the flash of light.

Moissanite is still considered a beautiful alternative to diamond. It is your personal choice on it.


Moissanite’s price ranges around 9.25 on the scale of Mohs according to hardness. It is on the second rank only to diamonds on the rating of 10. Moissanite is as hard as a diamond for everyday use and won’t even scratch or break easily.


Moissanites are available in many shapes where the round shape is the most famous choice. The round cut provides the most sparkle effect with the white appearance.

The preferred choice of moissanite

You may prefer moissanite over diamonds for the following reasons:

Less expensive

They are very cheaper comparing to diamonds. For example, you can get a 1 carat and colourless moissanite for around $600. Even a colourless and 1-carat diamond is around $5000.

The price of moissanite depends on the size and if they are most enhancing or not. Enhancing moissanite means that it has undergone through a process of making it whiter. Else, natural moissanite has a yellowish tint.

Extreme clarity and brilliance

Moissanites are very sparkly as they have a high refractive index which creates a greater sparkle. This offers a rainbow-colored spark with flashy light.

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